School of Psychology
Statistics Tutoring Center
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The purpose of the Statistics Tutoring Center is to provide a valuable resource for students enrolled in PSY 360 - Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. We are currently operating both as a physical, walk-in tutoring center in OMH 134 and as a by-appointment virtual tutoring service.
All of our tutors are graduate students or undergraduates who have recently taken and excelled in PSY 360. Tutors are trained to use their own experience to assist students in improving their class performance.
The virtual service is offered through the free video-conferencing app Zoom (, where you can video chat 1-on-1 with a live tutor. Email psystatstutoringFREEMississippi to set up an appointment. The hours for the walk-in tutoring center in OMH 134 are:
M: 9 – 11:30am & 12:15 – 2:30pm
Tu: 9am – 12:30pm
W: 9am – 1:30pm
Th: Closed
F: 11:45am – 12:45pm
Contact psystatstutoringFREEMississippi for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Some of the services provided include:
· Offering additional / alternative explanations of concepts
· Test preparation
· Homework check / walk-through of similar problems
· Practice problems
· Statistics study skills